TDK Electronics · TDK Europe

AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool - Web-based Application

The AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool provides calculations of useful life for a selected capacitor type under application-specific load conditions.

The database includes a broad selection of screw-terminal, snap-in, 4-/5-pin, solder pin and large-size capacitors from TDK portfolio.

CSC Code

For customized types and for those with a preliminary part number please enter the 8-digit Customer-Specific Capacitor code in the CSC code field below. This will lead to the calculation tool, where application-specific load conditions can be entered.

The AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool stores cookies on your computer, tablet, smart phone and other devices to process information technically essential for the operation of the program.
Please see use of cookies for details.  

The use of the AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool is subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement